Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Separation of mixtures

We are studying the characteristics of mixtures in our Scienglish lessons with Jakub, a teacher from the Czech Republic.
After learning the components in some mixtures like stones, sand, salt, water and iron filings, we know how we can separate each one from the others.

For example:

* if we have a mixture of salt and water, we can evaporate the water and we get pure salt.
* if we have a mixture of stones and sand, we can pick the stones by hands and we get pure sand.
* if we have a mixture of water and sand, we can use a funnel and a filter paper and we get pure water.
* if we have a mixture of sand and iron filings, we can use a magnet and we get pure sand.

We work in teams and we participate in all the lessons we attend.

Saturday, 10 November 2012


Did you know?
We are learning how to calculate the density of different kinds of matter. 
To start with, our teacher prepares the experiment at the laboratory and while he is making it, we try to explain the steps he follows.
Later on we, in teams, repeat the experiment by ourselves. It is very interesting because we discover that salt water's density is bigger than the one of still water.

                                                                          First he measures the quantity of water.
                                                     He adds some salt in the water.
He calculates the density.
All together we try to understand what happens and why.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

States of matter


We are studying about the three states of matter. Do you know them? Don't you?
Well, the three states of matter are: solid, liquid and gas.

It is very interesting because everything is based in the relationship between  cohesion and  movement of the particles.
We acted like solid, liquid and gas in the playground with our Scienglish teacher Miquel. We could understand how the particles move in each state by doing the movement ourselves.

Can you guess when do we act as solid, liquid and gas??

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Here again!

This week we are learning how to measure mass, volume and density at the laboratory.
It is very interesting; we watch videos and do a lot of funny exercises in teams!

Did you know that to measure the volume of a liquid we normally use a graduated cylinder? Yes you did, of course! But…. Do you know how can we measure a body without a regular geometric shape?

Follow us and you will know the answer very SOON.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Observing the colours of a leaf

Did you know?
We can recognise plants because of their green colour, which comes from a pigment called chlorophyll. Plants use chlorophyll to capture light energy from the sun in order to produce their own food through a process called photosynthesis.
But, when there is not enough light or water for photosynthesis (fall and winter) plants stop making food. Then, the green chlorophyll disappears and we begin to see yellow and orange colours!
Would you like to observe it? Yes? Then follow the steps:
1- Collect 2 or 3 large leaves. Cut them into small pieces and put them into a mortar with sand.
2- Break it up and add enough alcohol to cover the leaves, then stir.
3- Put a filter paper in a funnel and filter the liquid into a test tube.
4- Put the liquid in a petri dish and introduce a filter paper.
5- After 30' /90' the colours will travel different distances up the paper.
6- You should be able to see different shades of green, yellow, orange or red!!!

We did it and it was really exciting. Here you are some pictures.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Miquel Mas a Viena

Ahir el Miquel Mas va fer a Viena la presentació del pòster HYDROROUTE de Les Aymerigues. Pel que ens explica ha estat tot un èxit i ha pogut contrastar, amb d'altres professionals, les possibilitats de treball que té aquesta unitat sobre l'aigua. És a dir que de cara el proper curs ampliarem i millorarem les nostres activitats.

L'elaboració i presentació d'aquesta unitat ha estat possible gràcies a la subvenció rebuda de l'Ajuntament de Terrassa i  a l'ajut EDU2010-15783, atorgat pel MICINN.

Com podeu veure des de Les Aymerigues obrim les portes cap a Europa.

Felicitats i gràcies Miquel!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

EGU. Viena

El professor de Scienglish Miquel Mas, representa a l'Institut en el Congrés Europeu General de Científics 2012, que es celebra a Viena aquesta setmana.
Hi participem amb un pòster on es recullen les activitats que hem treballat en la unitat didàctica Hydroroute 55 sobre l'aigua, els seus beneficis i els seus efectes devastadors (Riuada de 1962); i on s'explica l'ideari del Centre i el projecte Scienglish que portem a terme amb tot l'alumnat de 1r de l'ESO.
Aquesta unitat forma part del projecte educatiu transversal "Una pinzellada d'identitat" que va ser premiat per l'Ajuntament de Terrassa.

(si voleu veure el póster gran cliqueu botó dret i obrir enllaç a una finestra nova)

Friday, 30 March 2012

Our workshop

Thanks for your visit Cristina!
Yesterday we worked very hard during our Scienglish workshops about water. Some of us elaborated a board game, others created a glogster and the rest of us became "Agents of the Environmental and Energy Services of Terrassa".
It was very exciting because we shared our work with "Dra.Cristina Escobar Urmeneta, professora de didàctica de la llengua anglesa de la Facultat d'Educació de la UAB". She congratulated us for our English knowledge, our oral expression and our communicative strategies.

Mutual dictation

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Endangered animals

Do you like animals? Look at the pictures below and think about what has happened.
Send us your answer as a comment!

To be continued........

Friday, 2 March 2012

Animal Kingdom

Yesterday we started our presentations about "Animal Kingdom". In pairs we prepared a power point to explain the characteristics of each group of animals, vertebrates (mammals, fish, birds, amphibians and reptiles) and invertebrates (sponges, cnidarians, worms, moluscs, arthropods and echinoderms).
We were very nervous but we are satisfied with the results. Here you are some photos.